Past Experience
The following are projects that we and our associates have worked on in the past, through previous employment. While PCSE was not the engineer of record, these projects summarize our capabilities:
Burbank Civic Plaza
Location: Burbank, CA
Owner/Developer: Cusumano Real Estate Group
Architect: KKE Architects, Inc.
Contractor: McCormick Construction Company
76,000 square foot, four story, steel moment frame building over one level of subterranean parking. Construction cost of approximately $20 million.
Cymer CSD-6 Corporate Headquarters
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Cymer, Inc.
Architect: Austin Veum Robbins Parshalle
Contractor: Hensel Phelps Construction Company
Large, 265,000 square foot, top of the line office, research, and manufacturing facility. It is a two story steel braced frame structure featuring a large open breezeway down the center with a distinctive high roof. Construction cost of approximately $45 million.
Diamonte Del Mar
Location: Del Mar, CA
Owner/Developer: The Allen Group
Architect: BPA Architecture Planning Interiors
Contractor: RENO Contracting, Inc.
This steel moment frame building consists of two stories of office space (36,000 square feet) over one level of subterranean parking (17,500 square feet), with a construction cost of about $5 million.
El Centro Magistrate Courthouse
Location: El Centro, CA
Owner/Developer: Western Devcon, Inc.
Architect: Carrier Johnson
Contractor: Lusardi Construction
This 58,500 square foot, two-story steel moment frame building had a construction cost of $18 million. It features a large, two-story high oval entrance rotunda.

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Owner/Developer: Caruso Affiliated Holdings
Architect: Langdon Wilson
Contractor: Whiting Turner Contracting Company
Several two to three story commercial retail buildings with a variety of building systems, totaling 584,938 square feet. The building types included: wood shears walls; special concentric braced frames; and special moment frames.
Irvine Presbyterian Church
Location: Irvine, CA
Architect: Dominy + Associates Architects
This 17,750 square foot sanctuary has a distinctive stepped roof and features wood, steel, and masonry contruction.
Jack in the Box Innovation Center
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Jack in the Box, Inc.
Architect: Conwell Shonkwiler & Associates
Contractor: DPR Construction, Inc.
The Innovation Center is a 70,000 square foot, two-story, special concentric steel braced frame building. This research and laboratory building is a significant expansion to their San Diego based headquarters.

Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Kilroy Realty Corporation
Architect: Architects Hanna Gabriel Wells
Contractor: RENO Contracting, Inc.
Consists of three six-story steel moment frame buildings, each about 70,000 square feet. Steel for the two buildings in the first phase was erected in just thirty days.
Kilroy Santa Fe Summit - Intuit Regional Headquarters
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Kilroy Realty Corporation
Architect: Architects Hanna Gabriel Wells
Contractor: RENO Contracting, Inc.
These four separate four story steel moment frame buildings, total 480,000 square feet and are home to Intuit's regional headquarters.
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Gemini Science Inc.
Architect: Architects Delawie Wilkes Rodrigues Barker
Contractor: DPR Construction, Inc.
This 180,000 square foot steel moment frame building is located on the UCSD campus and consists of three stories of office, lab, and research space over one level of subterranean parking. Features include a two level cantilevered lobby stair, loading docks, and a screened rooftop mechanical area. Construction costs of approximately $33 million.
Los Angeles County + University of Southern California Medical Center
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Owner/Developer: Los Angeles County
Architect: HOK and LBL Associated Architects
Contractors: McCarthy Building Companies Inc., Clark Construction Group, and Hunt Construction Group
A one-story, underground, concrete shear wall building on a pile foundation system was part of a 1.5 million square foot facility.
Neurocrine Biosciences
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.
Architect: Dowler-Gruman Architects
Contractor: Ledcor Petty Construction, L.P.
Two separate steel buildings, combining moment and braced frames, make up this unique office building which incorporates a Craftsman style appearance. The first building has three floors over one level of below grade parking. It includes a seismic joint with a round cafeteria. The second building has three floors of office space over two levels of underground parking. This project also included the design of the exterior metal studs.
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Nexus Properties, Inc.
Architect: Pacific Cornerstone Architects
Contractor: Staples Construction Company
This is the first of two planned office/laboratory buildings on the site. It is a three-story concrete tilt-up building, with the first story being underground parking.
The Plaza at Scripps Northridge Office Building - Lot D
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Lankford & Associates
Architect: Austin Veum Robbins Parshalle
Contractor: Hensel Phelps Construction Company
Square Footage: 118,000 sq. ft.
Construction Costs: $10 million
Realty Income Corporate Headquarters
Location: Escondido, CA
Owner/Developer: Realty Income
Architect: Richard Yen & Associates
Contractor: RENO Contracting, Inc.
A three story, 47,000 square foot steel moment frame office building, with a covered rooftop mechanical penthouse.
ResMed Corporate Headquaters
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: ResMed
Design Architect: Davis Davis Architects
Executive Architect: KMA
Contractor: RENO Contracting
This 2009 People's Choice Orchid Award-winning building consists of a large, six story steel moment frame structure separated from its adjoining two story steel braced framed ancillary space by a seismic joint. The building totals 238,000 square feet. Special features include a large, cantilevered barrel roof.
Saint John’s Health Center
Location: Santa Monica, CA
Owner/Developer: Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Architect: SmithGroup
Contractor: McCarthy Building Companies
Two five-story ordinary braced frame buildings, and a one-story concrete, shear wall, undergound central plant on the medical campus were part of a 475,000 square foot replacement of the existing medical facility which had been damaged in the Northridge earthquake. The new facility was designed to remain operational during an even greater magnitude quake.
Scripps Poway Parkway Business Center
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Slough Estates USA, Inc.
Architect: McGraw/Baldwin Architects
Contractor: DPR Construction
Phase I consists of two (80,000 square foot and 75,000 square foot) two-story concrete tilt-up office buildings.
Sunroad Centrum
Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Sunroad Enterprises
Architect: BPA Architecture Planning Interiors
Contractor: Swinerton Builders
With a total construction cost of approximately $30 million, this building is an eleven story, 275,000 square foot steel moment frame office building, built over two levels of steel framed underground parking (30,000 square feet). It features a large mechanical enclosure on the roof and a prominent, sloping roof overhang.

Location: San Diego, CA
Owner/Developer: Sudberry Properties, Inc.
Architect: Architects Hanna Gabriel Wells
Contractor: RENO Contracting, Inc.
Two six story steel moment frame shell buildings, totalling 530,000 square feet.